
Upturned visage to solar gleaming, warming heat, pulsing, beating. Limbs outstretched and aching, beseeching, as stroking breezes, licking, teasing.
Whispered promises, stirring, needing. Embracing ghosts and dreams, now fleeting, passions lost and solace, seeking.©NS
Time elusive, kissing mist, silent sighs in zephyr's grip. Needs neglected, values shift, whispers lost in tresses slip. Passion fails with arms beseeching, darkened heart, aching, beating.Treasures offered, willing gifts
wraith will wander,battered, ripped. Tear-filled eyes reveal......good-bye.©NS
There should be no regret in a life well-lived. The celebration of brilliant smiles and heart-warming laughter. There should be an honoured congratulations for being accountable, striving to do one's best and acknowledging that we learn even from our frailties and darkest moments. Respect how being broken to the bone, one continues on to fulfill responsibilities, obligations, that the pride comes by the actions and not a selfish goal of ego. The gentle embrace, the wise words and value of the person is what we cherish most, what becomes our touchstone and our home base for our living well and moving forward. The foundation of who we are, and who we will become.
Love and fortitude as lineage's companion. ©NS